Friday, October 16, 2015

Breaking Ground in East Africa

As I have travelled though out Africa these past several years, I have found in most places a foundation of Gospel-preaching churches that has been laid through many years by the missionaries and Christian laborers in decades and centuries gone by. However, in many of the areas of East Africa, the Gospel is just now gaining traction. In part of these areas the gospel once existed, but was driven out of the region by ruthless Islam and is now trying to make a comeback.

One of these areas that I visited and preached was in Juba, South Sudan. The people of Juba have suffered greatly at the hands of Muslim jihadists. They have left homeland and villages and started over in this hot and arid city. Juba is the newest member state of nations. It is an infant of countries in Africa. It is the "Wild West" of this continent. Being there for a week proved to a learning experience and a blessed opportunity to see souls saved.

In March, 2014, I was invited to
spend a week with some of these new churches. I preached in schools, orphanages, and universities. The people were ready to hear the gospel. Many hundreds were saved through gospel films and in the open air. God is stirring in the hearts of the people in this nation. The people are an Arabic-speaking people. They are breathing a freedom that is new to them and religious persecution to most is a thing of the past. While I was in Juba for the week, my brother and Adewale were in the southern region along the Uganda border working with an American missionary. They also, had a successful week seeing many hundreds of people come to Christ. The resilience of the Sudanese people is amazing. The impoverished society still looms, but the people are eager to move forward. I long for a day to make a greater difference in this land. The ground has been tilled over, the seeds of truth are planted. Now it is time for the watering and reaping. Laborers are greatly needed.



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