Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Panama Guaymi Indians

Going To The Guaymi Indians

In The Mountains Of Panama

We spents several days in the mountains of northern Panama, preaching in the villages of the Guaymi Indians with Pastor Hernandez and the Bible Baptsit Church of Chiriqui. He is starting new works and training Guaymi men. Sunday three more were baptized in the river. We had the privilege to go to an area further up the mountain where there is no church or missionaries. What a hike and what a joy to see so many come to Christ.

We were blessed to have with us Pastor Gauhdete who for 25 years served as a missionary in Panama. He translated for us almost every service. At almost 60 years young, he is constantly on the go. One particular day, he and Annette and I had gone a few hours up a mountain preaching and inviting others to the services. She and I had continued a little further up two more ridges and when we returned, he was leading these young men to Christ. What a jewel.

Church-Planting is a Partnership

The work of planting a New Testament church is not a one-man endeavor. All Nations Outreach Ministry has been a part to planting 277 Bible-b...