Monday, November 30, 2009

India '09


Pastor Wijunimai and Bro. Peter met us in Calcutta the first night. This is where William Carey started his great work in India.

Evangelistic crusade with over one thousand saved!

Training at the Chil Chil Baptist Church and Seminary
started by Pastor Wijunamai 20 years ago

We are starting the "Calvary Baptist Church of the Himalayas" Bro. Chris baptized the first converts on this trip, as the first American missionary on this mountain.

A local witch's son was saved and submitted for baptism on this night
as she screamed from outside. Praise God there's power in the blood!!!

The future site of the new Calvary Baptist Church.

Chetri a high class "bramah" women was baptized here.

Myanmar '09

Myanmar '09
468 Saved - 3 Baptized -
27 Attended Pastor's Conference

"Myanmar" means strong and fast. At the end of our time this week, we purchased a generator adn

Sunday, November 1, 2009

ASIA '09 - Cambodia

Cambodia - '09

~1452 Trusted Christ~
~64 Baptisms~
~48 for Christian Service~

The Great Harvest is work!!!

At the city dump in Phenom Phen, where hundreds of people call home, the Lord allowed us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ and the blessed hope to these hopeless. This young boy followed us around as we invited others to the gospel film service.

226 came to Christ at the end of the service in the dump,
it was the sweetest it has smelt in a long time. GLORY!!!

Preaching at Province (rural) Churches
One student stopped on the way home to see a gospel magic trick and a gospel service broke out on the side of the road - Praise God!

"The Cambodian Outback" - Rice field film night

For the first time ever with ANOM we had to show the film twice because people kept coming.

48 surrendered to christian service

Church-Planting is a Partnership

The work of planting a New Testament church is not a one-man endeavor. All Nations Outreach Ministry has been a part to planting 277 Bible-b...