Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Africa 2008

Reaching the
Multitudes in Africa!
3505 saved this year in January
Freely Preaching in the public schools.

Thousands are getting saved!

Encouraging the church.

Souls saved at the palace

as Dr. Tim Pledger preaches.

Bro. Steve Reyes and Bro. Pledger

win souls at a family altar for idolatry.

This young Muslim boy was saved at the end of a service.

Bro. Reyes, with his interpreter Binga, lead a group of young people.

Hundreds attend a revival in a poor country village.

Come with us on our next trip to Africa. You too can win these souls for Jesus Christ. Call the church about our next trip.

Mexico - 2008



Thank you - Pastor Mishael Luna Reyes
for allowing us the privilege of working with you
and your dear people in this evangelistic effort.

This is Iglesia Bautista Biblica Fundamental

The church which hosted our meetings.

We enjoyed great fellowship

Pastor Luna Reyes with Juan Cardona, Dave Douglass and Chris Pledger

Bro. Juan Cardona and Jose in a mountain village

reached the Martinez family.

Bro. Chris and Jose, his Mexican-Indian interpreter,
led Julio to the Lord outside his house.

We invited hundreds to a gospel movie night.
Hundreds came and enjoyed . . .

Until the power went out and dark got darker.

Bro. Douglas stood in the dark and preached the light of the world.

As Bro. Jose Castro interpreted,

More than 75 step out of the dark

and into the light professing their faith in Christ.

Preacher Jose Castro leading this rancher to Christ.

Outside the schools . . .

Many, many came to Christ.

Witnessing at a roadside village store.

The local church was stirred up!

Preaching in the open market . . .

More trusted in the Lord. Amen!!!

Three New Amigos in Christ!

Hector after trusting in Christ.
His family also was saved today.

Dr. Douglass, Pastor Jose Castro,
Dr. Chris Pledger, Pastor Luna Reyes
and Bro. Juan Cardona

Thank you all for your prayers and support for this survey trip. Plan to go with us in November as we bring a bus load from Calvary for two weeks. The cost will only be $500 per person! Call the church for more information. (904)282-0407

Friday, May 9, 2008

Thailand - 2008



Bro. Dave Douglass, Bro. Darrell Bolton

and Bro. Anthony Jones in Bangkok, Thailand

Dr. Dave Douglass preaching to hundreds of young people

as they hear the Word of God and trust in Jesus Christ

at foot of this statue of Buddha

Bro. Douglas speaks in Thai to these students who get saved.

Gifts are given out after the gift of God is preached.

Bro. Douglas sings in Thai with the children.

Many lovely people at the Donmoung Baptist Church in Bangkok,Thailand where Bro. Alonggot Jomhong is the pastor.

Philippines - 2008


Bro. Douglass with Pastor and staff at

Lighthouse Baptist Church of Tangub City,

on the island of Mindinao, Philippines.
Thousands are saved each year as our men preach in the open schools.
The men were saved as "Col." Bro. Bolton preach at this base.
Sessions taught daily prepare christian leaders to be successful in the Lord's work.

Bro. Bolton gives instructions to a group of workers.

The crowd swelled for the final night of the conference as Bro. Pledger challenged the people.

Thank you to Bro. Mike Wells for inviting our church's men to join him and his church in seeing more than 30,000 souls saved. Contact us about our next trip to Asia. You will see souls saved and lives changed, including yours.

Cambodia -2008


Bro. Pledger at a training session for pastors. Pastor Cruz of the Liberty Baptist Church of Phnom Phen translates

Twenty-seven young men surrender to preach after Bro. Pledger preaches.

Bro. Darrell Bolton, one of our deacons,

preaching in a Cambodian village.

Pastor Sihok is interpreting and Bible College Students

are holding the visual aids.

Bro. Chris Pledger preaching to crowd that gathered in a small village.

Pastor Sihok who was training by Pastor Dela Cruz translates after Bro. Wells preaches in this village revival.

Bro. Douglas witnessing in the village streets.

Bro. Pledger reaches this family in their market shop.

Dr. Dave Douglass preaching in a Cambodian Village

We preach and hundreds got saved in this city dump

where over 3000 families live.

Go with us this September and help to reach this forgotten people starving for the bread of life.

Church-Planting is a Partnership

The work of planting a New Testament church is not a one-man endeavor. All Nations Outreach Ministry has been a part to planting 277 Bible-b...