Monday, April 5, 2010


When we arrived in Gambia, we had gone two weeks without a stop in the schedule, so after we met the local pastors, we cruised African style.
In Gambia we were able to work with the "Great Commission" team showing the Jesus Films. Pastor Ben Irorore, who had lost his wife to Meningitis just one year ago, was the most gracious host and helper. We enjoyed great fellowship with him and his two young sons. He helped us to get into schools and introduced us to other area pastors. God gave us many souls saved while in Gambia and from there we drove to Senegal and Guinea Bissau.
Hanging out African Style!!!

The Obama re-election campaign manager of Gambia.

Pastor Ben's two sons, Barak and Stephen, went home with a new soccer ball after lunch with us. Their mother was one of the first converts of the baptist church there in Gambia. Before she died, she helped to translate gospel material into the Wolof language which is still being used in Gambia today.

At the end of the film, while Bro. Chris Pledger gave the invitiation, an angry crowd began to shout "Jesus is a liar, these people are infidels. You lie. You lie. Islam is true." Brother Tim Pledger was hit with an apple as the mob yelled to stop the preaching. Nevertheless, at the end as they settled, 15 trusted Christ in the midst of all the chaos.

Another invitation, no angry mob and no flying apples.

Young people listen to the gospel as we wait for the film to start

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