Monday, February 2, 2015

Eurasia Trip 2013

The heart of our church and ministry these past years has been to see the gospel penetrate places where it has yet to go, or yet to take root. Such was the case with our September, 2013 trip to Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania. While some of these places were the first areas that the early church began to evangelize, today there is hardly a gospel witness to be found. Brothers Chris and Tim Pledger went to some of these extraordinary and Biblical routes where some of the first disciples of Christ once preached. Places like the Antioch, (modern Turkey) where believers were first called "Christians" were visited and souls were saved in the very towns were nearly 2000 years earlier the church of Acts experienced its infancy. Churches were encouraged and people were saved in places like Thessalonica (modern Greece). This region of our world has great spiritual needs. Islam and other dead religions now stand where the Bible once stood. Sadly, many are drowning for lack of truth. Pray that God will speak to the hearts of men, and that they will listen to His Voice. 

Caves in Antakya, Turkey believed to be the church in Acts

Passing out Tracts in Istanbul, Turkey

Old men reading the Word of God

The local transport in parts of Eastern Europe


South America 2013

Brother Anthony Jones, one of the faithful members of Calvary Baptist Church as well as the team leader for the South America region, went to Trinidad, Suriname, Guyana, and French Guiana in April, 2014. What a thrill it was for him to be with great pastors and churches in these 4 countries. Brother Jones is not only a qualified preacher, but also a servant. He traveled into areas where many Americans would hardly venture. He navigated up channels and rivers by boat sharing the love of Christ with those in numerous villages. He represented our ministry and church, but most importantly our Savior. During this time, God blessed his ministry with 1332 souls placing their faith in Christ. Pray for the people of South America as the population continues to explode with nearly 400 million. Pray that God would use ANOM to make a difference in this needy region of the world. Pray that through our going and giving sacrificially that God will use our lives to Reach the World!!!


The Greatest Evangelistic Tool

Jesus Film in Nigeria There are many tools we use in our modern churches to preach the gospel of Jesus. Over the period of many decades, we ...