Monday, April 5, 2010



We rode to Senegal from Gambia on public transportation. If you know anything about Africa, you know that that is always an adventure. In Senegal, we met Pastor Israel Dasylva. He and his men were a great help to us and the few days we spent together were very fruitful.

Preaching to university students in Senegal.

Brother Chris Pledger preaching Sunday morning in Ziguinchor, Senegal

Wtihout a missionary, what hope do these boys have to hear of Christ?

Putting Smiles on the faces of Africa

This Muslim man watched intensely the life of Christ.

After the film we gave each adult a french Gideon NT, this young man begged for one, so after he helped take down the equiptment, he got his first copy of God's word.

What a great scene this was as these two men and seven bulls ran past us down this dusty road. Much like missions in Africa - Do you have it or does it have you? Thank God we know the Creator of ALL. He has us all and he is in controll. Praise Him.

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