Monday, April 5, 2010


GUINEA Islands
Kabaka and Kakoso
We traveled three hours from Lungi to the Guinea border and then three hours with Pastor Kanu to the coast before we sailed to the islands of Kabaka and Kakoso. Both of these islands were very populated, very premative and very Muslim. We were not allowed to rent a house so we stayed in tents. We were ran off by a group of muslims from our first camp site and also from our first film site. God in His grace provded both a place to pitch our tents and place to show our film. God miraculously warmed the heart of the island chief who after the day of conflict insisted that we remain to show the film one more time to another group of his people.

Multitudes came on both islands and many were saved. On Kakoso we showed the film twice in one night, the second showing ending at 12:30a.m. with over 300 people still present. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation.

Traveling from mainland of Guinea to the island ministries with Pastor Kanu


When Jesus is lifted up he draws all men - Praise His Name.

The island chief in whose heart we found favor by God's grace and were able to preach and minister freely.

Distributing soul winning booklets and training workers to do evangelistic work on the islands

A good soul winner named "Fire" using his new ANOM soul winning booklet on the island of Kakoso.
These dear people were saved as we arrived on the island of Kakoso. They had never seen a "white man" before and ran for fear when we first arrived. The young ten year old boy in the front was so afraid, that he punched a worker who tried to force him to meet us. As the gifts were given their hearts warmed and this group trusted Christ.

Please, pray for the good servants of God in Guinea. They often press on through restricitons and persecutions as they preach Christ. Pray for fruit that remains in Guinea.

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