Monday, April 5, 2010

AFRICA 2010 - 24,412 Saved

Sierra Leone ~ Liberia ~ Guinea
Gambia ~ Senegal ~Guinea Bissau

Fishing for souls off the West Coast of Africa!

Drawing the nets in six new countries.

All Nations Outreach Ministry of Calvary Baptist Church has a vision of preaching the gospel in every nation of the world. As of this post, we have been in 28 nations around the world. Each year we spend a couple of months in the continent of Africa. This particular leg of "Africa 2010" involved 7 countries in 8 weeks.

~43 Schools~

~55 Film Showings~

~11 Languages~

~1 Prison~

~2 Islands~

~11 Churches~

24,412 Saved & 111 Baptized

Guinea Bissau


This was the 28th nation to which ANOM has gone. We are often asked how do you get to all these nations around the world. The answer is by God's grace and any way you can. "Persistance" is a most necessary quality for missions work. Drive it there, then pull it there, then push it there!!! Just get there!!! This is how we came to Guinea Bissau - no good contacts, but a good plan, find places to preach the gospel.

Within minutes of arriving in Bissau, we introduced ourselves at this catholic school. They gathered all the students and staff together for preaching. Over one hundred were saved.

We met a Pastor Mendez who showed us a good place for a film. A massive crowd gathered on the side of a hill to hear the gospel story. The crowd cheered at the miracles of Christ and many were saved at the invitation.

It is not always easy to get things done, but it is always worth it!



We rode to Senegal from Gambia on public transportation. If you know anything about Africa, you know that that is always an adventure. In Senegal, we met Pastor Israel Dasylva. He and his men were a great help to us and the few days we spent together were very fruitful.

Preaching to university students in Senegal.

Brother Chris Pledger preaching Sunday morning in Ziguinchor, Senegal

Wtihout a missionary, what hope do these boys have to hear of Christ?

Putting Smiles on the faces of Africa

This Muslim man watched intensely the life of Christ.

After the film we gave each adult a french Gideon NT, this young man begged for one, so after he helped take down the equiptment, he got his first copy of God's word.

What a great scene this was as these two men and seven bulls ran past us down this dusty road. Much like missions in Africa - Do you have it or does it have you? Thank God we know the Creator of ALL. He has us all and he is in controll. Praise Him.


When we arrived in Gambia, we had gone two weeks without a stop in the schedule, so after we met the local pastors, we cruised African style.
In Gambia we were able to work with the "Great Commission" team showing the Jesus Films. Pastor Ben Irorore, who had lost his wife to Meningitis just one year ago, was the most gracious host and helper. We enjoyed great fellowship with him and his two young sons. He helped us to get into schools and introduced us to other area pastors. God gave us many souls saved while in Gambia and from there we drove to Senegal and Guinea Bissau.
Hanging out African Style!!!

The Obama re-election campaign manager of Gambia.

Pastor Ben's two sons, Barak and Stephen, went home with a new soccer ball after lunch with us. Their mother was one of the first converts of the baptist church there in Gambia. Before she died, she helped to translate gospel material into the Wolof language which is still being used in Gambia today.

At the end of the film, while Bro. Chris Pledger gave the invitiation, an angry crowd began to shout "Jesus is a liar, these people are infidels. You lie. You lie. Islam is true." Brother Tim Pledger was hit with an apple as the mob yelled to stop the preaching. Nevertheless, at the end as they settled, 15 trusted Christ in the midst of all the chaos.

Another invitation, no angry mob and no flying apples.

Young people listen to the gospel as we wait for the film to start


GUINEA Islands
Kabaka and Kakoso
We traveled three hours from Lungi to the Guinea border and then three hours with Pastor Kanu to the coast before we sailed to the islands of Kabaka and Kakoso. Both of these islands were very populated, very premative and very Muslim. We were not allowed to rent a house so we stayed in tents. We were ran off by a group of muslims from our first camp site and also from our first film site. God in His grace provded both a place to pitch our tents and place to show our film. God miraculously warmed the heart of the island chief who after the day of conflict insisted that we remain to show the film one more time to another group of his people.

Multitudes came on both islands and many were saved. On Kakoso we showed the film twice in one night, the second showing ending at 12:30a.m. with over 300 people still present. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation.

Traveling from mainland of Guinea to the island ministries with Pastor Kanu


When Jesus is lifted up he draws all men - Praise His Name.

The island chief in whose heart we found favor by God's grace and were able to preach and minister freely.

Distributing soul winning booklets and training workers to do evangelistic work on the islands

A good soul winner named "Fire" using his new ANOM soul winning booklet on the island of Kakoso.
These dear people were saved as we arrived on the island of Kakoso. They had never seen a "white man" before and ran for fear when we first arrived. The young ten year old boy in the front was so afraid, that he punched a worker who tried to force him to meet us. As the gifts were given their hearts warmed and this group trusted Christ.

Please, pray for the good servants of God in Guinea. They often press on through restricitons and persecutions as they preach Christ. Pray for fruit that remains in Guinea.


The flag of Liberia is similar to the American flag and while they use US dollars and speak enlgish, it does not take long to realize "we are not in Kansas anymore". Yet, with all the external differences, the need is the same - Jesus.

Young people who had invited Christ into their heart.

Brother Tim Pledger preaching at the Independent Baptist Church of Cottontree, Liberia.

Doing the morning devotional in open assembly.

Buying an African automobile made of an oil container and cans - look out Ford adn Chevrolet!

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

We were with some good pastors and churches in Sierra Leone and saw a multitude of souls saved. Pastor Sam Sesay and Pastor Nat Komba were great co-laborers for Christ. Pastor Sesay has ministered for many years to an unreached Muslim group called the Susu.

While we were there, we showed the "Jesus Film" all over Lungi and Freetown. In a new village of Santigia, we were able to help Pastor Sesay with the starting of a new church. That night the chief came and informed us that his own two sons had come to Christ. Praise the Lord. We were able to preach in many Muslin schools and see hundreds of young people saved.

At the Susu Baptist Church, we hosted a Pastor's Training time for church workers and enjoyed a good meal and fellowship other area pastors. We were able to train and equip more soul winners with gospel booklets and films to use throughout the year.

"WHO DAT BORN ME" or "Who's your daddy?" - Many around the world go fatherless, both earthly and eternally.

Showing the film to the Susu in Lungi. A crowd like this surrounded the screen this night for two hours and many were saved.

Preaching in Muslim Susu schools.

Training national churches and pastors is one of the most important things that ANOM does in each country. Providing them with the training and the tools to better preach the gospel, so that the work can contiune on long after we are gone.

Pastors and workers at our Saturday training time with Pastor Sesay seen at front right.

Arabic tablets outside a Muslim home in Santigia, Sierra Leone used by parents to teach their children the "holy language" used in the Koran.
Please pray as ANOM ventures farther and farther into the Muslim world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for open doors, safety and fruit that remains.

Church-Planting is a Partnership

The work of planting a New Testament church is not a one-man endeavor. All Nations Outreach Ministry has been a part to planting 277 Bible-b...