Sierra Leone
We were with some good pastors and churches in Sierra Leone and saw a multitude of souls saved. Pastor Sam Sesay and Pastor Nat Komba were great co-laborers for Christ. Pastor Sesay has ministered for many years to an unreached Muslim group called the Susu.
While we were there, we showed the "Jesus Film" all over Lungi and Freetown. In a new village of Santigia, we were able to help Pastor Sesay with the starting of a new church. That night the chief came and informed us that his own two sons had come to Christ. Praise the Lord. We were able to preach in many Muslin schools and see hundreds of young people saved.
At the Susu Baptist Church, we hosted a Pastor's Training time for church workers and enjoyed a good meal and fellowship other area pastors. We were able to train and equip more soul winners with gospel booklets and films to use throughout the year.
"WHO DAT BORN ME" or "Who's your daddy?" - Many around the world go fatherless, both earthly and eternally.
Showing the film to the Susu in Lungi. A crowd like this surrounded the screen this night for two hours and many were saved.
Preaching in Muslim Susu schools.

Training national churches and pastors is one of the most important things that ANOM does in each country. Providing them with the training and the tools to better preach the gospel, so that the work can contiune on long after we are gone.
Pastors and workers at our Saturday training time with Pastor Sesay seen at front right.
Arabic tablets outside a Muslim home in Santigia, Sierra Leone used by parents to teach their children the "holy language" used in the Koran.
Please pray as ANOM ventures farther and farther into the Muslim world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for open doors, safety and fruit that remains.