Monday, February 18, 2019

Europe Needs Jesus!!!

The Sherman, Weaver, and Dice families headed out from Calvary Baptist Church in Middleburg, Florida on Friday Oct. 12, 2018. Leading up to their trip, God had truly showed himself faithful in providing for each couple in unique and miraculous ways to be able to go. One such blessing was when the Dices septic system went out just weeks before the trip. God laid it on the heart of a church family to help them and they were given $1000. God opened one door after another to make it possible. 

After an eleven flight to London and a six hour drive the team was able to meet and work with Pastor Jody Hodnett and his family at the Bible Truth Baptist Church in Dumfries, Scotland. While there they were able to lead 11 people to the Lord! They did some street preaching and singing in a square in the city and passed out many tracts and saw people saved. Mrs. Stephanie Dice recalling this time said of one particular day when they passed out tracts in the town square, "During the over 2 hours we were doing this, Bro Sherman led Tommy and Ted to Christ, and Mrs. Sherman led Violet to Christ. Bro. Weaver led Joanna to Christ, and Mrs. Weaver led Jamie to
Christ". On another day of witnessing with the Hodnett family, Mrs Stephanie said, "That evening, Joshua led Karen, Morgan, and Brad to Christ. Bro. Sherman led Allan and Marias, and Bro. Weaver led Angel to Christ. Wednesday morning we were back at it, and Bro. Sherman led Charlie and Brittney to Christ. After much witnessing, trying, and praying, I was finally able to lead someone to Christ myself. It was such a sweet "Philippian jailer" experience when Leanne trusted Christ". The joy of winning people to Jesus in Europe never got old!!!

After ministering in Scotland, they travelled on to a town just outside of Lancashire, England and were able to meet Missionary Justin Williams of the Skelmersdale Baptist Church. While there, the three men and three ladies did an intense amount of door to door soul winning and canvassing of the area inviting people to come visit the church. In all,  9 souls were saved in England. 

Later in the week, these three couples from our church in Florida were able to drive into Wales and made a decisive effort to pass out tracts and speak to as many people as possible. In the short time there, they had 1 person saved. It was an amazing time of fellowship and focused soul winning.

They met a lot of good people, and encouraged the missionaries to keep up their good work and spread the gospel through witnessing and passing out of literature. It was also exciting to see a different culture, eat different foods and drive on the ‘wrong’ side of the road! The most amazing part of the trip was watching the Lord work through them and use them to pass out thousands of tracts, witness to different ones and see some of those get saved. Our ANOM team made new friends and are so excited to see what God has in store for them next time. Over all after spending a week they saw 21 people saved in the UK. Europe doesn't need another church. Europe needs Jesus!!!

Church-Planting is a Partnership

The work of planting a New Testament church is not a one-man endeavor. All Nations Outreach Ministry has been a part to planting 277 Bible-b...